Whoa look! TheWhippinpost gets all Web 2.0 on yo ass!

Embellish sounds - Produce music.

Digital Audio Computer Music-Making and MIDI XG

Now more than 10 years old!

This site was originally for users of the good 'ole General MIDI (GM) and Yamaha's superior XG MIDI standard; specifically, the SYXG-50 and SYXG100 softsynths, now discontinued.

Now it's also for musicians using the computer for making music in the digital audio realm too.

But that's not to say TheWhippinipost is abandoning you GM and XG MIDI users. You can still find the comprehensive MIDI XG guide on how to interpret and use XG's specialised commandset to tap into its hidden power.

Mixing music is another area now covered with lots of articles, interviews and tutorials including the popular 10 essential mixing tips.

There's also an overview (plus many reviews) of popular computer music products, including keyboards and midi and recording equipment.

Oh the list just goes on including the ever-popular online music calculators plus a growing bank of online video tutorials for musicians - just get stuck in and discover, learn, tell your friends and enjoy!

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
What Is The Best Music Making Program In Windows That Can Work With Midi Keyboard?... read more
Question Related to:

Midi Keyboard



Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
Does Anyone Know Where I Can Get Drivers For My Evolution Mk-125 Midi Keyboard?? Thanx?... read more
Question Related to:

Midi Keyboard



Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
Does anybody have the software for evolution mk-125 dance studio midi keyboard? Please!!!!?... read more
Question Related to:

Midi Keyboard



Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
M-Audio, E-Mu, Creative Audigy 4/X-FI?... read more
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
Alright, i went to the store a day ago and i asked about the Gemini XL200 Belt Drive Turntable that was on display. And he said he will sell me, one of those for 200$ and theres two but in only gettin... read more
Question Related to:

Dj Mixers



Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
I have a desktop running AMD AthlonXP 2700+ and 512MB of DDR ram. Recently, I bought a laptop running AMD Turion64 ML-34 and 1GB of ram. Both computers are intended for pro audio use, specifically run... read more
Question Related to:

Focusrite Saffire Firewire Audio



Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
I am wanting to get one and learn how to play, and I was gonna ask a few questions first. I know a 4 string would be better to learn on, but what brands would you reccomend? I can't afford a warwick o... read more
Question Related to:

Guitar Combos Modeling


Native Instruments

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
The sound from the guitar sounds choppy... as in if I strike a note the sound breaks up. Why is this? What can i do about it? I use an AMD Athlon XP, 40 GB HD, 256 MB RAM.... read more
Question Related to:

Guitar Rig 2


Native Instruments

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.

I try many software like Guitar Rig 2, iZopote Trash, Guitar FX... Can any one show me better software?

I want loud Metal Sound with distortion :D

Thanks a lot - My sound card is So... read more

Question Related to:

Guitar Rig 2


Native Instruments

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 13/12/2006 - 22:13.
I've been making music for about a year now with Cubase and read more
Question Related to:



Native Instruments